Saturday, May 31, 2008


I created this blog so our family and friends near and far can keep up with the adventures and good times going around the Parada house...

Today was a busy day. We finally got around to deep cleaning Grace's room and doing laundry. Grace and I looked at some new bedsets for her room. I think we are going to touch up paint this summer. Only 4 days left at work before we start summer break! We're looking forward to going swimming and hanging out together at the pool- I know hard work.
Sal's sister and her husband are in town from North Carolina. We thought they were here on vacation and they surprised us by telling us they have been re-assigned to Fort Hood. Now they'll only be about 2.5 hours away from us. The kids have enjoyed spending time with Tia Marina and Uncle Jose. The downside to it all is that Uncle Jose will be going to Iraq for a year (he's a chaplain in the Army).
The countdown to Disney has begun. Two weeks from today we will be in Orlando. Thanks to Sevi who tried to get us the discount tickets. :)
We hit the pool this afternoon and I was disappointed to see how wild some kids are. I had to yell at kids twice who were acting like nuts play fighting and almost jumping on top of Alex and Andrew. At least they were nice enough to move over to the other side of the pool. I'm thinking the membership at the YMCA pool is sounding like a good idea.
Hope your weekend is going smooth!